Paul Krugman won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his groundbreaking work on international trade and economic geography.
He is the author or editor of 20 books and more than 200 papers in professional journals and edited volumes. Paul is one of the founders of the “new trade theory,” a major rethinking of the theory of international trade, for which he also received the John Bates Clark Medal in 1991 from the American Economic Association, a prize given every two years to “that economist under forty who is adjudged to have made a significant con- tribution to economic knowledge.”
As one of the world’s best known and most acclaimed economists, Paul writes on the leading issues of the day affecting the world economy. An insightful, out- spoken op-ed columnist for the New York Times, his twice-weekly op-ed pieces for the New York Times reflect his depth of insight and unflinchingly outspo- ken style. The most recent of Paul’s many books, End This Depression Now!, is a call for action. In it, Paul has a powerful message for anyone who has suffered during the Great Recession—a quick, strong recovery is just one step away, if our leaders can find the “in- tellectual clarity and political will” to end this depres- sion now. His previous books include The Conscience
of a Liberal, The Great Unraveling, a bestseller, and The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008, an updated edition of his 1999 book, The Return of Depression Economics.
In addition to the Nobel Prize, Paul’s work in econom- ics has earned him broad acclaim from the economic press, several prestigious awards, and worldwide recognition as a leader in the fields of economic ge- ography and the role of increasing returns in shaping international trade. He is recognized worldwide as a leader in the fields of economic geography and the role of increasing returns in shaping international trade.
Paul is a Professor of Economics and Distinguished Scholar at the Graduate Center’s Stone Center at City University of New York (CUNY).
He previously taught at Princeton University, MIT, and Stanford. He was cho- sen as one of Bloomberg’s 10 Most Influential Thinkers in 2013 and has been named one of Bloomberg’s 50 Most Influential People in Global Finance four times, in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2015. He has been honored to be one of Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers for five straight years, plus one. (2005, 2008-2012).
[KH Video + Sub] Paul Krugman Teaches Economics and Society
Yêu Linh
Meet your new instructor: Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman. Paul will cover many of the issues you see in the headlines everyday—and provide tools to help you make sense of it all.02
What Is Economics?
Paul believes that at its heart, economics is about people—how they earn a living and how they spend their income.03
Two Fundamental Principles of Economics
First—people respond to incentives. Second—each transaction has an equal give and take. Paul breaks down economic thinking into two main principles and teaches you the intricacies of each.04
Major Developments in Economic Thought
Paul walks you through the history of economic thought through the theories of Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes to make an important point—you have to understand the past to improve the future.05
Understanding Macroeconomics: The Fed and IS-LM (Wonkish)
Learn how the Federal Reserve works to keep the economy healthy, and about the theoretical framework it uses to inform its decisions.06
How ‘08 Happened
Learn about the market patterns and unregulated financial activities that led to our worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, and how to prepare yourself for the uncertain economic future.07
The Economic Theory of Crises
Learn how these concepts played out in Japan's 1998 crash and the 2008 recession in the US.08
Economic Solutions to Crises
Paul details monetary solutions vs. fiscal solutions, how to rethink deficit spending, and what to do to brace for the next crisis.09
Inequality: The Growing Gap
The growing income gap poses a danger to the well-being of our economy. Learn the history of economic inequality, how race is always related, and the economic effects of growing up boomer vs. growing up millennial.10
Inequality: Our Divided Society
Learn the social and cultural costs of our inequality, and ways to advocate for a more equal society.11
Understanding Taxes
Paul explores the data behind “supply side” taxation, the potential impact of the 2017 tax cuts, and how the American tax plan affects each of us.12
The Economics of Technological Progress
Learn the impact of technological expansion on the job market, the economy as a whole, and on the individual citizen.13
Health Care: The Problems
Health care is central to American lives and the American economy. Paul breaks down the economics of the private health care market and explains two “market killers” in our current system.14
Health Care: The Solutions
Using examples from health care systems in the UK, Canada, and Switzerland, Paul examines three approaches to universal healthcare, noting the positives and challenges of each.15
Theories of Trade (Wonkish)
Through a discussion of his Nobel Prize-winning idea, the New Trade Theory, Paul explains the history and continued impact of trade on the economy.16
Understanding the Hyperglobalized World
Globalization has forever changed the way we communicate and do business. Paul discusses the transformative technologies that led to efficient global trade and the impact of those developments on our country’s economy.17
China: The Disruptive Miracle
Paul explains China’s rapid economic growth and details how the influx of their exported goods impact economies and rules of trade worldwide.18
Economic Geography
Through the example of Silicon Valley, Paul illustrates how economics can even control the geographic movement of people.19
Reading Economics
Paul teaches you how to read and interpret developing economic issues in order to stay informed. Learn his personal tools and techniques for spotting critical, accurate information in breaking news.20
Seeing the World Like an Economist
For Paul, being an economist requires thinking critically and learning from others. Learn his critical thinking methodology, like how to look for natural experiments, think past your own bias, and use the information at your fingertips.21
Writing Economics
Using his column “Myths of Austerity,” Paul demonstrates how he uses language, current events, and more to break down a complex topic while keeping the reader informed and engaged.22
Paul ends his class with parting advice for aspiring activists and policy makers, or those who wish to become more informed citizens: remember to stay aware, to read, to listen, and to remain an active participant in society.